Cash out your Croatian Lottery Winning via Aircash Application!


You’re playing online and your winning is already on the HL account. You need cash urgently and the Croatian Lottery shop is too far away. All you need in order to have your winning in the pocket is a smartphone, Aircash application and INA retail site.

How? In three steps – simple and easy:

  1. Download the Aircash application at and create your Aircash profile (enter your name, mobile phone number and OIB)
  2. Withdraw funds from the HL account – Choose Aircash Payment option, enter the payment amount and the mobile phone number on which the application is installed
  3. Once you have received the confirmation you will immediately receive a unique payment barcode. Go to an INA retail site, the cashier will scan the barcode and cash out your winning immediately

Note: Aircash charges a cash transfer fee of 4% per individual payment amount.

From 0 to 24 h, in a safe and reliable way through the Aircash application!

More about the Aircash application