SD governance in INA
Corporate social responsibility is the business model in which negative impact on the environment, community and society is avoided. INA Group continuously integrates environmental, social and economic factors into day-to-day business with the aim of increasing long-term value for stakeholders and recognizes, prevents, and avoids potential negative impacts on the environment and the community in which it operates.
INA Group has defined Key objectives and programs of sustainable development until 2025 that will help us achieve transformation of our traditional fossil-fuel-based operations into a low-carbon, sustainable business model. Consisting of four focus areas: Climate change and environment, Health and safety, People and communities and Integrity and transparency and defined programs and targets in each of the focus area.

INA Group is committed to promoting, supporting and implementing the United Nations Global Sustainable Development Goals 2030 (SGD) by planning the sustainable development actions and projects that are in line with SGD’s. We defined 10 out of 17 SDGs that are in our focus and they are aligned with four focus areas within Key objectives and programs of Sustainable Development until 2025. To achieve our Key SD objectives and programs annual action plans are being developed and monitored on quarterly basis.